Serve Koralo as one of your dishes

Food service

Offer a new culinary experience to your customers by offering New F!sh on your menu.


Diversify your fresh fish offering to your customers with a fresh chilled shelf life of 4 weeks.

Food manufacturer

Reach new consumers by creating delicious innovative products using Koralo’s unique technology.

You can offer revolutionary products

The protein transition is booming, and we can only give you more options.

Work together with a driven team

The team of Koralo is ambitious and has the drive to make our collaboration a success.

Rising-star of alternative food industry

Koralo has been recognized in the alternative food industry as a force to be reckon with.

Adress more consumers

More wants, more needs. Consumers vary and we help you addressing those you want to serve.

Leaving a better planet

We respect the tools given to us to make our product planet-proof!

Let's discuss the possibilities

What others think


Yes! Koralo’s New F!sh is very nutritious it’s low fat and low calorie but is full of Omega-3s, Vitamins B2 & B12 and due to our way of producing even prebiotic fiber (boosting your gut health & immune system).

Next to what Koralo holds, this is actually more about what it doesn’t bring to the table; the negative side effects of fish. That being the toxins and micro plastics that enter the fish via what they eat, storing them into their fatty acids. The fatty acids we praise for being so healthy.

Sustainable values flow through our veins, it’s in our nature. And because we care we made our process só that not just our product but also the way we produce is sustainable. In our case that means we use no arable land, and our fermentation allows us to work with big, closed tanks. So our production is naturally using minimal water and minimal energy. To put that into perspective: compared to fish and soy-based protein alternatives Koralo uses:

96% less CO2 than soy

98% less blue water than fish

and 94% less land than soy

You can buy Koralo at one of our partner restaurants in Seoul!